Oh. My. God.

I read this following the full blood moon in Scorpio. I’d already done a bunch of releasing over the weekend before the full moon. Masking a list of my unworthiness and fears to release during the full moon. Took a bath, with all the salts and oils and candles to continue releasing all that energy. Then, right before burning the list, I got an intuitive hit to cut the karmic ties to the most sexually and emotionally abusive men in my life. Cut the ties, then burned the list.

Today, I’m laying on my yoga mat, reading your email, rocking back and forth (stimulates the vagus nerve) and I decide to start tapping. “I know that my worth has been tied to my appearance and sexuality…” etc… did some yoga. Gave a two hour massage to someone, then finished reading your article. At some point near the end, I burst into tears. Realized I’d moved all that energy and I just needed to process it.

Thank you thank you thank you. I feel light and free for the first time in my 54 years on this planet. And I’m not even at my goal weight! 🙀🤣

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Your newsletters are low key my favorite part of Tuesday. You did an amazing job explaining energy work, fascia, acupuncture, and the healing process. I’m a naturopath, acupuncturist, and practice craniosacral therapy and a lot of what you said mirrors how I explain this stuff to my patients.

RLS is a tough one and is often very individual in its resolution. Usually a combo of comprehensive mineral support, nervous system, fascia, and gut. A super weird old remedy that has worked for some of my folks (maybe 30%?) is a bar of soap at your feet when you sleep. Doesn’t matter if it’s above or below the fitted sheet.

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THANK YOU! And yea... man I haven't tried the soap thing because i'm so resistant to it: if it's minerals, nervous system, fascia and gut... how is that soap gonna do anything!?!?! hahaha

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I know, right? I have no idea hahahahahaha!

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When I read your newsletters I have so many “OMG no way, me too”! Moments. So many. You do a great job of explaining energy work and Acupuncture and fascia (im an acupuncturist and have also seen every healer and charlatan from here to Timbuktu. About died laughing at “it will either heal me or heal me of my money”)

Also, the restless legs. Awful. I had when i was pregnant with my second and it was torture and i wouldnt wish it on anyone. It was cured by giving birth in my case (thank God). I hope you fine a solution!!!! It is a BAFFLING condition. I used to be so arrogant/ignorant “RLS is just a magnesium deficiency” 🥴

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god i WISH it was just a magnesium defficiency!

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Oh my is this full of fascinating content. Do you know the books “The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk. Also David Richo’s “When Fear Meets Love”? All about releasing (by feeling) a lifetime of repressed, painful emotions. Am in that place in my life right now when current reality is triggering a tsunami of old, fossilized emotions that need to come out. So fucking scary and painful but also so cathartic and liberating. Let’s go on this journey together.

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I really really love these newsletters!! Thank you!

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thank YOU!

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Bought both of your books and subscribed after reading this post. You’re fantastic. So grateful to have found you. Helps to feel not so alone in this crazy upside world.

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omg! That makes me so happy! THANK YOU for being here

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Love you Caroline.

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May 20, 2022
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i'm coming to understand that it's wayyyyyy more common than we tend think... and I read recently it's related to mother or grandmother being retinol (animal based vitamin A) defficient! Which makes sense... all of our food is retinol deficient these days...

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