Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Q & A question: based on your experience attempting to treat parasites using herbs, would you not recommend that course of action to others? Do you have experience treating other issues like intestinal bacterial overgrowth, fungal overgrowth, H. Pylori, etc. using herbs, vitamins, etc.? If so, would you mind sharing your experience with that?

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Great Q! I will answer this in this month's Q&A (I think I'm going to have to post another Q&A reminder because clearly this got lost) and I will also address when I write my health resilience post with the bigger picture.

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posted the answer in the September Q&A post (only 2 people asked Qs so I didn't do an audio). But posted it here in case you'll miss it in there:

This is what I've learned since first trying to kill parasites with herbs a few years ago. As well detox heavy metals... it is very depleting to the body, because it also flushes the body of, and binds to, essential minerals. The reason I wan never able to "eliminate them" is first because elimination may not be possible, it's more about a healthy balance and ecosystem. AND more importantly: it is the mineral depletion in the first place that allows the body to be weak enough and susceptible to the infestation in the first place. So if the "cure" is even more depleting, it's not going to correct the core weakness, and you will remain susceptible to the infection/invasion/infestation. So that was, I believe now, my core mistake. I was killing/detoxing, but I wasn't really focused on replenishing and nourishing with minerals, if that makes sense. And all of the things I was doing was further depleting me. If you are depleted in minerals, it will affect your overall energy metabolism, detox pathways, and immune system. A robust, nourished body with good mineral stores will be much more resilient in warding off parasites and pathogens, so that's worth focusing on first. The other interesting thing is that minerals are heavy mental antagonists, meaning, they help the body get rid of them. There is also a theory that parasites are in some ways, symbiotic and enter our system to sequester metals and keep them from out tissues... so... focusing on supporting the body to be resilient is more important than just killing with herbs, and binding to toxins (which also binds to minerals!!!). LASTLY, stress is extremely depleting as well (you use more minerals when you're stressed, or operating on stress hormones) so that is why stress is also such a big part of the picture with health. That wasn't a direct answer to your question, but it's more the big picture that i think is so important, and gets missed with a lot of these protocol.

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Thank you! Very interesting and gives me a lot to think about.

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