you COULD meet us!!!! you could do a tour with meet&greets!!!! and BRING MOLLY!!!!

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This hits. 😵‍💫

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I’ve also been weirdly tired as of late. I made a “must be Covid” comment (joke) the other day but realistically I’ve been really stressed with work for the past 2-3 weeks so I’m probably just finally out of that adrenaline rush or whatever 😵‍💫😴

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This hits home. My phone is always on silent and it’s always a pain when I lose it. I’ve been deliberately been trying to go without it for periods of time.

The downside is that I then don’t remember exactly when I last had it, creating more mayhem than peace 🤯🙄

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UPDATE: I remembered why I went over to that shelf while I was talking to Maria. I had to go get her a spare key, and the key was on that shelf, and I put my phone down... and the rest... is history.

Happy to report I don't have a poltergeist.

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I was just talking to my partner the other day about how cell phones have taken over our lives. It's both a blessing + a curse to have instant access to anything, right in our pockets. The crutch we have on our phones is huge + definitely needs to be addressed... (also yes i agree please don't put a chip into your skin! they already track us enough as it is)

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Hope you can rest super much and be restored!

I feel this way too much too! Both me and my partner can never seem to get enough sleep and the tiredness is ever-present 🤷‍♀️

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I soooo feel this.

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