The Boob Saga: The Sequel
The saga continues - accidental weight loss, psychic friends, and getting a surgery while having the flu... come along and read this strange saga sequel.
Ah, and we are back for Part 2.
As you probably already know, after droning on incessantly about my big boobs in both books, I got a breast reduction last May 2021. Actually, exactly one year to the day that I’m starting to write this update. And I regret getting it. I recommend you read the original Boob Saga here before reading this. It’s behind the paywall just like this post will be.
This update, or part deux, or the sequel, is about the revision surgery I got on April 8th, 2022 (6 weeks and 1 day ago) — and how I currently feel about the whole thing.
Also, a few paragraphs down, you’ll find a link (behind the paywall) that you can click and listen to me reading this whole post (55 minutes-worth of me reading it!!! ahhh!)